Sunday, 28 February 2010

W.D. Cocker

Ower the hills an' faur awa',
Ower the hills an' faur awa',
The bravest tune the pipers blaw
Is "Ower the hills an' faur awa'."

The bonniest floo'ers that deck the green,
The lassies wi' the brichtest een,
The fairest sichts, the ferlies braw
Are ower the hills an' faur awa'.

The dreams we dream, the joys we crave,
The gowd, the gear an' a' the lave
Are set by Fortune's fashious law
Ower the hills an' faur awa'.

Adventure, like the luring licht
That kelpies wave ower bogs at nicht,
Oh! that's the bait that draws us a'
Ower the hills an' faur awa'.

When we were bairnies in the glen,
Were we no' fain to grow to men?
To streetch oor wings an' croosley craw
Ower the hills an' faur awa'.

At sodgers then amang the braes
We played, nor kent in future days
We'd gang the gate wi' guns an' a'
Ower the hills an' faur awa'.

We've had oor wish an' crossed the tide,
An' seen the touns whaur strangers bide,
An' things we maun forget we saw
Ower the hills an' faur awa'.

Ower the hills an' faur awa',
Ower the hills an' faur awa',
The hills o' hame are best o' a',
But ah! they lie sae faur awa'.

Flanders, 1917